Monday, August 8, 2011

Do Fasting Without Bad Breath

Fasting is one of the five obligations in Moslem’s worship. Especially in Ramadan, all Moslems should do it for thirty days. Doing fasting causes mouth and alimentary tract dried since they do not consume anything for about 14 hours. As a result, they will have halitosis or bad breath.

Bad breath or unpleasant odors in breathing somehow will reduce the confidence of people. They use some liquid like mouthwash to reduce bad breath, in which, some of the liquids especially those contained alcohol is one of the mouth’s cancer causes.

There are some tips to prevent bad breath especially during fasting:

1. Brush the teeth and clean the tongue regularly twice a day. Tongue is estimated to be the most common location for mouth-related halitosis.

2. If using mouthwash, choose the alcohol-free mouthwash and use it once a day only.

3. Avoid cigarette and alcohol drinks because it worsens the mouth hygiene lead to gingivitis and periodontal disease.

4. Consume vegetables and fruit which are rich of fibers and water and not too much acid. Apple, celery, and carrot are the best for it because it can increase saliva production and keep the mouth moist.

5. Drink green tea 2 cups a day. Green tea has flavonoid phytochemical compounds (catechins) which can remove plague and bacteria that cause bad breath.

6. Drink 8 glasses or 1 liter of water a day. It is to keep the balance of water in our body.

7. Consume probiotic food like yoghurt. Yoghurt contains high levels of microcopies organisms that can reduce the bacteria in the mouth, thus prevent tooth decay and gum disease. However, choose sugar free yoghurts because those which contain much sugar will cause the dental caries which cause tooth decay.

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