Have you ever been in condition of having difficulty to concentrate, to remember people's name, and missing appointments? Some people may say that such condition is caused by the old age of a person, yet, it can also be caused by the lack of neurotransmitter in our brain. Well, what is the neurotransmitter actually?
Neurotransmitter is the chemical substance that functions as the messenger of the brain cells. In our brain, there are hundred billions of brain cells that are connected to each other by the nerve fibers that functions as the connector for those cells. To conduct the effective communication between those cells, we need neurotransmitter. The balanced supply of neurotransmitter will make the brain to function actively. In contrast, if we are lack of neurotransmitter, the brain will function bad that can cause any disturbances such as loosing the concentration, remembering and any brain disturbances.
Neurotransmitter is mainly produced from the amino acids, vitamin, and minerals. Therefore, the production is relied on the food that we consume. So, if we are lack of those consumption, we will have the low production of the neurotransmitter that will lead to any brain malfunctions. There are three types of neurotransmitter that affect the human's brain. They are asetilkolin, dopamine, and serotonin.
Aseltikolin has effect related to the memory and awareness. The lack of aseltikolin causes the difficulty in remembering and concentrating. Food that are the source of aseltikolin are yolk, wheat, meat, fish, peanut, milk, cheese, and vegetable (especially broccoli, col, and col flower). Dopamine has the effect related to brain activity and durability. The lack of dopamine can cause the disturbance in maintaining the brain to functions actively. The food that have the source of dopamine are milk, fish, nuts and soybean. Sorotin has the function as the source of concentration, yet, the excessive of the sorotin can make the attention disturbance and sleepy behavior. Sorotin also affect the mood, appetite, and sensibility of people. The lack of sorotin can cause the sad feeling, depression, worried, and laziness. The food source of sorotin are potato, cereal, bread, and vegetable.
After reading the information above about the neurotransmitter, now we can be aware of any symptoms of any brain malfunctions and any bad behavior. Therefore, we need to have more consideration and attention of the consumption of any food that affect the neurotransmitter in our brain. Having a healthy brain leads to the healthy behavior and life right?
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