Sunday, August 14, 2011


Sinusitis is the inflammation of the para nasal sinuses (air-filled spaces between the nose, cheek and eyes). The spaces are filled by mucus which has the function in controlling the humidity of the spaces and filtering any pollutant or bacteria from the outside of the spaces. Sinusitis is considered as acute if it has the effect about 3 weeks or less, and it is considered as chronic if its effect is about 3 weeks to 8 weeks, or more. So what are the symptoms and the causes of such disease?

The sinusitis infection starts with the dizziness or the pressure on the eyes, nose, cheek area, or any parts of the head. The infection may also be followed by cough, fever, bad breath, and influenza. 

There are many factors that can cause the sinus inflammation. The common cause of such inflammation is the infection of viruses, bacteria, or fungus. Yet, sometimes the eating behavior has also the potential effect as the cause of sinusitis. For an example, over-consumed milk or any products contained milk can cause the allergy that will lead to sinusitis. The lack of the vegetable consumption can also be the cause of such disease. For some people, the temperature changes, smoke, dust, chemical substance or pesticide are the other causes of the sinus inflammation.

I recommend for you to do the enough exercise in order to minimize and repel that sinus inflammation. The consumption of the vegetables is also a prior to do instead of consuming the other food that has less nutrition to keep our health better. It is better to consume food that contain rich of antioxidant vitamin A and C, fruits and vegetables to minimize the chance of the sinusitis to occur. Let's be healthy and repel any diseases.

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