There is a traditional way to monitor and detect the health problems of human body. It is by checking the condition of the nail. Andrea Cambio, the FAAD of American Academy of Dermatology said that nail is the health reflection of people. By checking the condition of human's nails, we can notice what kind of health problems we have.
Yellow Nail
The main cause of the nails become yellow is the fungus infection. The worse progress fungus infection makes the nail thicker and more fragile. The yellow nail also the sign of having the worse health problem such as severe thyroid, lung problem, diabetes, and psoriasis.
Swollen and Folded Nail
If we have reddish and swollen area around the nail, it might be the sign of the inflammation and also the sign of Lupus disease and the connective tissue problem.
Black Striped Nail
You should ask for the doctor check up. It is the sign of Melanoma, a kind of the worst skin cancer. It is the serious one.
Bluish Nail
The bluish nail indicates that the body has insufficient oxygen. It is also the sign of lung infection such as pneumonia. If we see only on the peak part of the nail which is bluish, it indicates the diabetes disease.
Pale Nail
The pale nail is related to the aging problem. It also indicates 4 serious disease such as anemia, heart failure, liver problem, and malnutrition.
White Nail
The white nail which has dark area on the peak of the nail indicates the liver problem such as hepatitis.
Rough Nail
The rough nail indicates the first sign of psoriasis or arthritis inflammation. The condition is the change of nail color into reddish brown.
Cracked Nail
The craked nail is related to the thyroid disease. It is also the main problem of the fungus infection.
Sometimes, there are people who used to bite their nail. The common people will assume that is a usual habit. Nonetheless, bitting nail may indicate the mental problem such as excessive fear and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
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