Orange is one of the writer’s favorite fruits. It has many benefits such as being the natural nutrition both for our body and skin. The C vitamin contained in the fruit is used as the anti-oxidant which can prevent any bad materials for our health.
The C vitamin protects the skin and strengthens the cells to reproduce themselves. It also helps to increase the production of collagen to maintain the elasticity of the skin, called as skin regeneration.
The acid contained in the C vitamin reduces the pile of dead skin cells. By reducing the pile, it makes the skin pores fresh and healthy. It prevents the acne and oil problem of our skin.
Some people know only the usage of the orange fruit for its consumption. In fact, there are many benefits we can get from the fruit. These are the examples:
1. Bath
The fragrance of the orange fruit helps us to raise the spirit. It will be useful when we get tired and stressed by our jobs. Just take a bath with any soap having orange fragrance on it. Lime and lemon are the best choices. The other way is mixing the water with citrus essence. Take a bath in it and smells the fragrance.
2. Therapy
To increase the stamina and to relax the tension of our nerves, we can boil water mixed by 3 drops of orange oil and 2 drops of citrus oil. The steam created will make us relaxed and recharges our stamina. Do it regularly for the best result.
3. Natural Highlight
Some people have used lemonade extraction as the natural highlight. They womb their hair mixed by lemonade extraction then they dry it using sunbathe method. The extraction changes its color slowly while being dried. It is not recommended for the person having dry and fragile hair.
4. Head Skin Refresher
If you feel so uncomfortable with your head skin in the day time, make a mixed hair tonic using a lime or lemon extraction. Then keep it in the refrigerator for a while. Use it on your head and you can also doing a little massage to your head. It will make our head skin refreshed and removes dandruff too.
5. Feet Problem
The orange slices mixed by warm water and citrus oil help to clean and reduce the swollen feet problem. It will remove the dirt on the feet skin also.
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