People who smoke tend hard to stop the bad habit. Some say that the cigarette has been the part of their body and can not live without it while the others say that it has been like a automatic thing to do. Therefore, as I promised before that I will give some tips to stop smoking entirely. Here they are:
- Make a commitment and promise to yourself that you want to quit smoking and start to think positively that you can do it!
- Let your ashtray as the way it is. It means that do not clean the ash of your cigarette on it in order to make impression to yourself that you have smoked a ton and realize that it is bad for you.
- Put away all the cigarette and the lighter you have.
- Go to the dentist to clean up your teeth plaque as the result of the smoking. You can see that you will have more beautiful teeth without smoking. Of course you want to keep those teeth, doesn't you?
- Make the list of the things you want to buy using the budget you spend for the cigarette. You will realize that the money will be more useful to spend on the useful things rather than cigarette.
- Make the target that you want to completely stop smoking.
- Ask your closest person to guide you and encourage you to stop smoking. It will give you more spirit and joy that the other person is care about your health and resolution too.
It is true that people can not stop the habit in an instant. Smoking is a kind of addictive. Some people who succeed to stop smoking usually will start it again in a week after he stop the habit. It means that the body still dependences to the nicotine of the cigarette. You must be aware that it is the most difficult phase in stopping the habit. The support of the closest people is the most successful way to stop smoking. Keep trying and promise both to yourself and the people you love to make a progress in stopping the habit.You can do it!
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