Do you know about dragon fruit? A dragon fruit have many benefits and nutrition for human such as controlling the blood sugar level, maintaining the health of the mouth, preventing the colon cancer, reducing cholesterol, and as the bleeding prevention.
Usually, people consume the dragon fruit freshly. It removes thirst because it has 90% of water. It tastes sweet because it has 13-18 bricks sugar level. The dragon fruit can be made into juice, confectionary, and jam.
Experts said that the dragon fruit has rich nutrition such potasium, ferum, protein, fiber, sodium, and calcium which are good for health. AL Leaong of Johncola Pitaya Food R&D, the research organization of dragon fruit said that it has many vitamin and minerals which can increase the stamina and the mtabolism of human body.
"Research shows that the fruit is good for our blood circulation and can neautralize the blood toxic". It has protein which can increase the metabolism and makes the heart healthy; carotin which is good for our vision and brain; and calcium which is good for the bones. It has also iron substance for blood; B1 and B2 vitamin; and C vitamin for the skin health.

sugar level: 13-18 bricks
water: 90%
carbohydrate: 11.5 g
acid: 0.139 g
protein: 0.53 g
fiber: 0.71 g
calcium: 134. 5 mg
phosphor: 8.7 mg
magnesium: 60.4 mg
vitamin C: 9.4 mg
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